Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

Kite Foil Forces for designer

Created by dachopper > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2017
WA, 1784 posts
26 Sep 2017 3:40PM
Thumbs Up

Hey guys,

Trying to do some research on the "why" certain manufacturers are putting certain features into the foils and others not, but tricky to find good info.

Anyone have any links to stuff like front foil positioning/ forces and stability.

This is what I've gathered so far.

Front foil for lifting purposes.
Sweepback increases directional stability as does a longer higher fuselage or vertical features aft of the mast.
Anhedral decreases stability ( increases diverging roll tendency if off balance ) , but reduces ventilation of tips if leaned over a long way.
Also anhedral winglets could reduce tip vortices if they are an issue.

Front foil positioning is set vs the riding position on the board to balance kite pull + rider weight with foil lift mid stance position?

Rear foil + fuselage provides directional stability + resistance to pitch + counteracts hydro drag nose down pitching moment.

Is the high speed stability caused by the rear + front foil interaction... ie once front foil forces large enough, they are counteracting rear foil downforce + drag making rider weight less significant = pitch stability?


Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

"Kite Foil Forces for designer" started by dachopper