Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

South Australian Dirt Boats Group

Created by beachball57 > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2020
SA, 538 posts
26 Sep 2020 9:40AM
Thumbs Up

Here is SA there have been of late a number of non commercial (blokarts) cropping up with folks looking for somewhere to sail and looking for like minded people to chat to so with that in mind I have made the South Australian Dirt Boats facebook group.
Its a page for dirt boat pilots in SA to find out whats going in the world of dirt boating. So if anyone in South Australia has a "home made" dirt boat and is looking for somewhere to go then check out the fb page and also here on sea breeze forums.
strong winds and happy sailing


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"South Australian Dirt Boats Group" started by beachball57