Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by AndyEliotH > 9 months ago, 26 Feb 2013
QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 6:44PM
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Any Fellow Spearos out there ? Bored at School and missing water. post ur vids, pics tell us what Ur set up is recent fish and where u spear ill start

Spear at Bundaberg mostly shore dives over the reef. at Boarding school now far from water but here is the only pic i have from the Christmas hols a 4.5 kg estuary cod i got. the gun is a 1m Custom Collins with a single rubber.

WA, 15849 posts
26 Feb 2013 4:47PM
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Jeepers, thats a nice size cod.

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 6:51PM
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Cheers Mate

WA, 310 posts
26 Feb 2013 5:12PM
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put my speargun away a few years ago. still dive for crays with a loop. dont really know if i want to leave a blood and guts trail in the water around WA right at this moment.

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 8:51PM
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Hey mate. nice cod. I do heaps of spearfishing down on the south coast, absolutely love getting in for a dive. Here is a few from a some dives a a couple of weeks ago at one of my favorite spots. .

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 8:54PM
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Hmmm. try again with the photo's

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 8:07PM
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Nice Fish ! what set ups u running ? and what are ur thoughs on my gun ?

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:14PM
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Thanks dude. At the moment I'm running a Rob Allen "Sparid" 1100 with two 16mm bands. I Dive around Wollongong and a lot down south around ulladulla. We dive mostly of a boat but do plenty of rock hoping. Your gun looks good, I just run two bands for a bit more power.

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 8:28PM
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Yer im just getting back into it, had i built in indo by dads mate when i was 6 or something, i remember getting it as clear as day. he came over with it and i remeber flipping out and going to my piggy bank and getting $42 dollars for him. in reality i think he retailed this as a small reef gun for about $600. i was only about 2 years ago i started using it after rehalising how balanced and accurate it is compared to some ****ty guns. found a new cressi wetty thanks to cash converters ( paid $40 for a brand new wetty) probs stolen but yer. i need to invest in a float and flag and i will be fully fitted out ! o and water, im boarding 2hrs from water of any sort so i dont spear allot term time :(

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:41PM
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Yeah it makes a big difference with a decent gun. I noticed a big improvement with the rob allen, I'm pretty happy with it. Just waiting for the swell to drop here so I can get back in.

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 8:45PM
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Good to hear there are like minded guys out there.

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:50PM
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Yeah we have a good bunch of guys down here that love it. Just keep getting in and practice.. Once you start getting some good catches you get hooked. I love it!!

SA, 4761 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:46PM
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I shoot with my camera only most of the time but on my last adventure I purchased my first speargun and shot one coral trout which I cooked and ate for dinner.

NSW, 305 posts
26 Feb 2013 10:21PM
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There great photo's. The water looks so clear. Awesome.

1862 posts
26 Feb 2013 7:31PM
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What a great idea for a thread - fish I've killed.

Here's my contribution:

I think it's a baby dugong - not sure. There were heaps of them, so I picked off the smallest one. It was so slow and dumb, he swam right up to me, and I got him right between the eyes at a really close range.

I actually found the sashimi meat a bit too salty for my pallet, maybe it was the soy I was using.

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:42PM
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That looks like a rainbow trout smoked ?

WA, 2775 posts
26 Feb 2013 7:44PM
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Not quite, Adolf- wrong species.
Its a pygmy dugong, not a bub.

(well- the japs can get away with inventing new species- so why not Adolf?)


SA, 4761 posts
26 Feb 2013 10:26PM
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Yes rainbow trout smoked I was using as example as I don't have picture of the dead coral trout only live ones! Haha busted

SA, 3589 posts
26 Feb 2013 10:50PM
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I found Him!

QLD, 356 posts
26 Feb 2013 10:45PM
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I know my fish

Mark _australia
WA, 22208 posts
26 Feb 2013 9:41PM
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In the last couple of gun control threads, general concensus was that people who shot animals and ate them were barbarians, weird, psycho's and probably prone to massacring children.
Those who shot at targets were still all of the above but not barbaric.

And the differences here would be........

WA, 947 posts
26 Feb 2013 10:34PM
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Well that's simple Mark, if your coastal... Your Ok

Mark _australia
WA, 22208 posts
26 Feb 2013 11:28PM
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kk said...
Well that's simple Mark, if your coastal... Your Ok

Thank God I live near the beach ........ so can shoot fish and spear ferals like foxes and stuff.

Or the other way ummmm , oh fkn whatever.

161 posts
26 Feb 2013 11:28PM
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" it's ok to eat fish cos they don't have any feelings"
Kurt Cobain says its all good

NSW, 2483 posts
27 Feb 2013 4:58AM
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having been a spearo for close to 30 years i think ive heard all the for and againsts about the sport, from ruining reef through to killing fish inhumanely. most debates about the sport becoming circular and with a lack of acceptance for each others opinion.
as for adolf's post... wtf mate?? snide sarcasm and dry wit. hmmmm
theres some idiots floating around in every sport, but at least i can say the spearing community are a strict and peer influenced sport and the shoot to kill idea without knowing what you are potentially eating is very heavily frowned upon.
the idea is to be carefully selective about what you catch using techniques which change for different species from splashing about for a morrowong, to attracting a 200 lb tuna in blue water, cave diving for dhu or sneaking up to mullaway.
love the sport, and happy to "guide" anyone in new ways that discredit it by the mentality of "if it bleeds i can kill it".

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Feb 2013 8:59AM
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salty, doesn't matter how you phrase it - there are people out there that don't believe that any animal should be killed (not understanding that they wouldn't be here if that was the case).

I haven't spearfished, but recently bought a Hawaiian sling for floundering. I had a dive on the weekend and with the amount of large sweep swimming around me I'm keen next time to try my luck with the sling.

Coincidentally (and a bit off-topic), a few years ago I accidentally hooked a gannet whilst trolling for tuna - put up a great fight & although I ended up with sore fingers from the pecking - I managed to safely release saying that, I started to wonder about crossing sports & catching techniques. Ie; using a fishing rod/reel to catch a fox, would be an interesting fight on light gear, although not sure what to do once you land the fox?! Spear-rabbitting anyone?

QLD, 356 posts
27 Feb 2013 8:49AM
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There will alwase be people who dont spear the right way but i pride myself in only taking legal and decent sized fish and only enough to put on the table for one night.

All these people who hate killing need to get a feekin life !

NSW, 305 posts
27 Feb 2013 11:08AM
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I agree with salty. It is a shame that some people see the sport as barbaric. Spearfishing is not just about getting in the water and shooting everything you see. Spearfishing is one the few fishing techniques where each target is individually selected, so by-catch should be zero. As apposed to the majority of people who go line fishing. All the spearos i know respect the bag limits and size limits and fish are not shoot just for the sake of it.

QLD, 356 posts
27 Feb 2013 12:03PM
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Well said !

3777 posts
28 Feb 2013 3:54PM
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How expensive are the premade rubber OMG i just paid 50 bucks for one totally ar se raped.

So keep the bits of your old one and just buy the jelly rubber for replacement ;-)

NSW, 305 posts
28 Feb 2013 7:15PM
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busterwa said...
How expensive are the premade rubber OMG i just paid 50 bucks for one totally ar se raped.

So keep the bits of your old one and just buy the jelly rubber for replacement ;-)

Go and check out and go to the spearfishing section. You can get bulk rubbers and kits for pretty cheap. Heaps of good gear and specials on their.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Spearfishing" started by AndyEliotH