Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Who wants nuclear reactors in their suburbs?

Created by FormulaNova 24 days ago, 24 May 2024
WA, 14330 posts
24 May 2024 11:39AM
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I thought we would make it easy for the next government and decide now where nuclear power stations are okay with the neighbours.

My vote is in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.

WA, 2296 posts
24 May 2024 12:57PM
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The look so much nicer than wind turbines.

WA, 14330 posts
24 May 2024 3:41PM
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One thing I think I can predict pretty accurately is that even with nuclear power, prices won't go down. They never have. There will just be a different excuse. Probably 'solar is hard to provide backup power for, so you need to pay more for nuclear'.

Wind turbines? Gee, if people don't want to "see" them in the distance, imagine the feeling of looking at the cooling tower of a nuclear station 10kms away. You would always be watching it incase the plume of steam is something more.

WA, 2296 posts
24 May 2024 4:53PM
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FormulaNova said..
One thing I think I can predict pretty accurately is that even with nuclear power, prices won't go down. They never have. There will just be a different excuse. Probably 'solar is hard to provide backup power for, so you need to pay more for nuclear'.

Wind turbines? Gee, if people don't want to "see" them in the distance, imagine the feeling of looking at the cooling tower of a nuclear station 10kms away. You would always be watching it incase the plume of steam is something more.

And of course there's those decaying piles of dead birds beneath the turbines. There are photos of those dead birds right? Everybody knows.

WA, 8701 posts
24 May 2024 4:58PM
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Don't forget the whales, the Albany turbines have already killed almost as many as the old whaling industry did.

WA, 1147 posts
24 May 2024 5:04PM
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remery said..

And of course there's those decaying piles of dead birds beneath the turbines. There are photos of those dead birds right? Everybody knows.

Why don't you visit the wind turbines for yourself rather than just believe the nonsense from the Extinction Rebellion crowd?

WA, 2296 posts
24 May 2024 6:04PM
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Pcdefender said..

Why don't you visit the wind turbines for yourself rather than just believe the nonsense from the Extinction Rebellion crowd?

I have; and guess what? There wasn't a single dead bird. I know them tree huggers you are so afraid of rake them up every morning right?

WA, 14330 posts
24 May 2024 6:25PM
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elmo said..
Don't forget the whales, the Albany turbines have already killed almost as many as the old whaling industry did.

You have flying whales down there? Incredible!

I wonder if birds do end up evolving just a little bit to be warned off from wind turbines. It wouldn't take too much for them to be a bit hesitant when they see/hear/feel a certain thing.

Mind you, I would have thought kangaroos would have stopped jumping out infront of cars by now too.

NSW, 3595 posts
24 May 2024 8:33PM
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Why can't they have them further into the outback where there isn't a lot of people?

I can even donate my extension lead.

WA, 2296 posts
24 May 2024 7:07PM
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FormulaNova said..

You have flying whales down there? Incredible!

I wonder if birds do end up evolving just a little bit to be warned off from wind turbines. It wouldn't take too much for them to be a bit hesitant when they see/hear/feel a certain thing.

Mind you, I would have thought kangaroos would have stopped jumping out infront of cars by now too.

I like your thinking , but that could take a few thousand years.

WA, 763 posts
24 May 2024 7:44PM
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bjw said..
Why can't they have them further into the outback where there isn't a lot of people?

I can even donate my extension lead.

That reminds me of a sign I saw down near Wilson's Prom a few years ago.

It was a long the lines of "Keep The Prom Natural, Keep It Turbine Free".

The irony was that this sign was out the front of a Massive Pine plantation and quarry.

1438 posts
24 May 2024 8:01PM
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FormulaNova said..
One thing I think I can predict pretty accurately is that even with nuclear power, prices won't go down. They never have. There will just be a different excuse. Probably 'solar is hard to provide backup power for, so you need to pay more for nuclear'.

On the plus side you should be able to afford a bigger LCD screen to watch the Palestinians get slaughtered by team genocide in total air conditioned comfort. And still be able to bang on as usual about your melancholy life on the Seabreeze network every night

WA, 14330 posts
25 May 2024 7:34AM
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myscreenname said..
FormulaNova said..
One thing I think I can predict pretty accurately is that even with nuclear power, prices won't go down. They never have. There will just be a different excuse. Probably 'solar is hard to provide backup power for, so you need to pay more for nuclear'.

On the plus side you should be able to afford a bigger LCD screen to watch the Palestinians get slaughtered by team genocide in total air conditioned comfort. And still be able to bang on as usual about your melancholy life on the Seabreeze network every night

Are you still here, or are you using a spotty internet connection over there in Palestine?

You are there right? Defending the people against the aggressors and taking care of the wounded.

Or are you crying about something and trying to point out others that are also not doing anything and blaming them for the problem? Sure, point at others that are not doing anything and mock them because you yourself are not doing anything. That'll solve the problem.

I can imagine you were at Liveaid, waving a candle and crying about all the deaths from famine, and then jumping back into your car and grabbing some takeaway on the way home.

Do you go to all the events and march with them? Showing your solidarity to people and then doing nothing about it? How about domestic violence? Are you also preaching to those that would never dream of hurting their family and telling them that they should do better?

If you have a different opinion, good. If you want to discuss it also good. If you want to criticize others for doing nothing while you yourself are doing nothing, maybe you can switch off the computer and go do something about it? Start raising money to send to someone to help? Start trying to positively change things that you think will fix the problem.

Or you could just have a drink, fire up the laptop and have a go at others?

IMHO part of the problem with these places and issues is that people are happy to sit back and have a go at others but no one seems to want to stand up and not fingerpoint but fix things instead.

NSW, 6788 posts
25 May 2024 12:21PM
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I shared this the other day. don't think it will do much good other than ascertaining what the general public think. The Uniparty have obviously bought into the renewables and climate change scam and nought is going to tear them away from the cult.
I've been a long term critic of nuclear but have changed my stance on it recently. Safety was the reason initially but like everything technology has made phenomenal advances. Mobile reactors in the form of submarines makes one think.

It was Carantoc I think who brought up geo thermal. This is something I believe has yet to be properly researched. Problem is with it is like effective generic medicine, no room for profiteers so unlikely to be utilised until we develop an alternative to our fiat system.

WA, 2296 posts
25 May 2024 11:23AM
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Iceland generates 20 percent of its power from thermal, the remainder is mostly made up by hydro-electric.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2919 posts
25 May 2024 1:43PM
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japie said..

It was Carantoc I think who brought up geo thermal. This is something I believe has yet to be properly researched. Problem is with it is like effective generic medicine, no room for profiteers so unlikely to be utilised until we develop an alternative to our fiat system.

2 projects I am aware of are EAVOR in Germany and QUAISE in the USA.
EAVOR are already producing heat and electricity from deep drilled closed loop geothermal and claim that over 90% of the land in Germany has enough heat under it for their system to work.

QUAISE are a startup out of MIT who are trying to overcome the engineering challenges of using a mm wavelength laser to vapourise rock in its path as it drills down to very hot rocks to hopefully produce superheated steam. They aim to have a demonstration hole producing power in 2026 and a repurposed coal power station using their technology in 2028.

NSW, 6788 posts
25 May 2024 2:02PM
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I think it was Landline covered the discovery of a massive hot rock deposit in the upper Hunter Valley back in the mid nineties. Was at a time when energy discussion was all the rage. There are a few of them scattered about the country.

Given that all conventional electricity production relies on steam to drive turbines you would think that every effort would have been made to exploit the resource. Directional drilling technology capabilities would make it a simple task to deliver water to the deposit enabling the ensuing steam to drive turbines.

Zero "carbon footprint". Virtually free energy!

John Howard would find a way to sell it to his mates though.

NSW, 6788 posts
25 May 2024 2:09PM
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Mr Milk said..

japie said..

It was Carantoc I think who brought up geo thermal. This is something I believe has yet to be properly researched. Problem is with it is like effective generic medicine, no room for profiteers so unlikely to be utilised until we develop an alternative to our fiat system.

2 projects I am aware of are EAVOR in Germany and QUAISE in the USA.
EAVOR are already producing heat and electricity from deep drilled closed loop geothermal and claim that over 90% of the land in Germany has enough heat under it for their system to work.

QUAISE are a startup out of MIT who are trying to overcome the engineering challenges of using a mm wavelength laser to vapourise rock in its path as it drills down to very hot rocks to hopefully produce superheated steam. They aim to have a demonstration hole producing power in 2026 and a repurposed coal power station using their technology in 2028.

There you go. From memory the estimation was that there was sufficient energy in the deposit to provide electricity at the current usage for 500 years.

1438 posts
25 May 2024 12:57PM
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FormulaNova said..
Are you still here, or are you using a spotty internet connection over there in Palestine?

You are there right? Defending the people against the aggressors and taking care of the wounded.

Or are you crying about something and trying to point out others that are also not doing anything and blaming them for the problem? Sure, point at others that are not doing anything and mock them because you yourself are not doing anything. That'll solve the problem.

I can imagine you were at Liveaid, waving a candle and crying about all the deaths from famine, and then jumping back into your car and grabbing some takeaway on the way home.

Do you go to all the events and march with them? Showing your solidarity to people and then doing nothing about it? How about domestic violence? Are you also preaching to those that would never dream of hurting their family and telling them that they should do better?

If you have a different opinion, good. If you want to discuss it also good. If you want to criticize others for doing nothing while you yourself are doing nothing, maybe you can switch off the computer and go do something about it? Start raising money to send to someone to help? Start trying to positively change things that you think will fix the problem.

Or you could just have a drink, fire up the laptop and have a go at others?

IMHO part of the problem with these places and issues is that people are happy to sit back and have a go at others but no one seems to want to stand up and not fingerpoint but fix things instead.

I apologise if I offended you, it wasn't my intention. I'm caught up in the daily horrors of this ethnic cleansing, and feeling powerless to do anything about it, as you rightly observed.

You're entitled to your odious pro-genocide opinion, even if it's against international rules.

NSW, 9027 posts
26 May 2024 7:57PM
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Why do the Lib/Nats wait till they are in opposition before proposing nuclear power?

QLD, 6111 posts
26 May 2024 8:48PM
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Just put it in port augusta.
Close to the sea. Shxthole.
Could do with some employment there
Kinda looks like a nuculear accident already happened there

WA, 14330 posts
26 May 2024 7:41PM
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Mobydisc said..
Why do the Lib/Nats wait till they are in opposition before proposing nuclear power?

I read somewhere that they called it a dead-cat, i.e. something to draw people's attention away from other things. I think they are right. No one will want a nuclear power station in their area and governments never want to pay for new power infrastructure in remote areas. If they did more people would be okay with it, but they won't, so they are not.

Image a scenario where nuclear power stations are placed somewhere in South Australia, but remote enough from the coast, but also linking the grids from WA to the east coast. Sounds ideal, but it will never happen. The cost of energy will be cheaper than running new lines, and nuclear can only be sold if its cheaper.

Are we going to get nuclear power stations under a Liberal government? Only if we run out of coal, oil, and gas.

WA, 14330 posts
26 May 2024 7:52PM
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myscreenname said..
FormulaNova said..
Are you still here, or are you using a spotty internet connection over there in Palestine?

You are there right? Defending the people against the aggressors and taking care of the wounded.

Or are you crying about something and trying to point out others that are also not doing anything and blaming them for the problem? Sure, point at others that are not doing anything and mock them because you yourself are not doing anything. That'll solve the problem.

I can imagine you were at Liveaid, waving a candle and crying about all the deaths from famine, and then jumping back into your car and grabbing some takeaway on the way home.

Do you go to all the events and march with them? Showing your solidarity to people and then doing nothing about it? How about domestic violence? Are you also preaching to those that would never dream of hurting their family and telling them that they should do better?

If you have a different opinion, good. If you want to discuss it also good. If you want to criticize others for doing nothing while you yourself are doing nothing, maybe you can switch off the computer and go do something about it? Start raising money to send to someone to help? Start trying to positively change things that you think will fix the problem.

Or you could just have a drink, fire up the laptop and have a go at others?

IMHO part of the problem with these places and issues is that people are happy to sit back and have a go at others but no one seems to want to stand up and not fingerpoint but fix things instead.

I apologise if I offended you, it wasn't my intention. I'm caught up in the daily horrors of this ethnic cleansing, and feeling powerless to do anything about it, as you rightly observed.

You're entitled to your odious pro-genocide opinion, even if it's against international rules.

Thanks. I am glad that you accept that I am entitled to my own opinion. I don't know why having an opinion is against international rules, but I appreciate that you acknowledge it is permitted.

How has today been? Have you raised any more money to send to Palestine, together with your existing donations? Have you been able to get in touch with any aid agencies to see how you can help out?

WA, 2005 posts
26 May 2024 8:00PM
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myusernam said..
Just put it in port augusta.
Close to the sea. Shxthole.
Could do with some employment there
Kinda looks like a nuculear accident already happened there

I think a new nuclear build would probably be safe so I'm ok with offering my suburb. But now that I've seen this comment, yes, definitely yes, what a Sithole. Could also put it anywhere east of the freeway in Perth.

WA, 2296 posts
26 May 2024 10:22PM
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Top 5 Nuclear Disasters

5. Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
Pennsylvania, USA 1979 (INES Level 5)
The Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) reactor, near Middletown, Pennsylvania, suffered a partial melt down on March 28, 1979. The most serious accident in U.S. nuclear power plant history was caused by a relief valve failure, after an unplanned shutdown, causing severe damage to the core. Better instrumentation, training programs and public information would have vastly improved matters but luckily there were no injuries or discernible health impacts.

4. Windscale Fire Nuclear Disaster
Sellafield, UK 1957 (INES Level 5)
On 10 October 1957 a raging inferno swept through the core of Unit 1 nuclear reactor at Windscale, Cumberland (now Sellafield, Cumbria) for three days. The Level 5 accident dumped radioactive contamination across Europe and it is thought that traces of isotope iodine-131 may have caused several hundred cancer diagnoses. Windscale's two piles had been hastily built during the British atomic bomb project. It was the UK's worst ever nuclear accident.

3. Kyshtym Nuclear Disaster
Russia 1957 (INES Level 6)
The third most serious nuclear accident in history happened at the secretive Mayak plant, near the Russian town of Kyshtym - part of the Soviet Union's attempt to match the US for weapons-grade plutonium production. After a faulty cooling system was left to disrepair, rising temperatures resulted in an explosion with the equivalent force of 70-100 tons of TNT. Nuclear fallout reached more than 300 kilometres away and, due to the classified nature of the plant, it was only a week later that 10,000 locals were evacuated from the area.

2. ****ushima Nuclear Disaster
Japan 2011 (INES Level 7)
On Friday 11 March 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake, which measured 9.0 on the Richter scale, caused a 15-metre tsunami that disabled the power supply and prompted three reactor meltdowns at the ****ushima Daiichi plant. Official figures suggest that more than 1,000 deaths occurred as a result of an evacuation process that displaced more than 100,000 people. Subsequent investigations have suggested that the infrastructure and risk forecasting were inadequate for such a devastating natural disaster. It was only the second accident in history to receive the most severe Level 7 rating.

1. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Ukraine 1986 (INES Level 7)
The Chernobyl disaster is the worst nuclear power plant accident ever in terms of death toll and cost. The only other Level 7 accident happened on 26 April 1986 when a steam explosion destroyed reactor number four at the Ukrainian plant. Resulting fires spread huge amounts of radioactive waste across Western Europe, killing around 30 people from acute radiation poisoning in the immediate aftermath and raising longterm fears of increased instances of thyroid cancer. The World Nuclear Association says... "The nuclear disaster was the product of a flawed Soviet reactor design coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operators."

QLD, 3665 posts
27 May 2024 6:41AM
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WA, 6432 posts
27 May 2024 7:12AM
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remery said..
The look so much nicer than wind turbines.

Not sure I really understand the argument about visual intrusion. That photo doesn't look relatively adversly instrusive to me.

Not sure where it is but I'd asume it is two reactors putting out 2 GW 24 hours a day, so to replace it you'd need, give or take, 600 turbines.

Would 600 turbines look that much better than two cooling towers ? They be noisier. They'd also have a shorter life span, larger overall footprint and be visable from a much larger area.

Are those two towers any worse than any other industrial development or infrastructure ? In terms of being visually instrusive this looks worse to me, it is certainly bigger :

Or this :

WA, 6432 posts
27 May 2024 7:23AM
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remery said..
Top 5 Nuclear Disasters

So the top 5 still resulted in fewer deaths than one landslide in a remote village in PNG ?

1438 posts
27 May 2024 9:48AM
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Carantoc said..

So the top 5 still resulted in fewer deaths than one landslide in a remote village in PNG ?

Interesting point.

Deaths of PNG and Gazan people don't really count for much unfortunately.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2919 posts
27 May 2024 12:06PM
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It's a distraction. You might as well say that more people die from heart attacks than car crashes, so car crashes don't matter


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Who wants nuclear reactors in their suburbs?" started by FormulaNova