Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

First sail since May

Created by TheOGAMA > 9 months ago, 21 Sep 2022
SA, 15 posts
21 Sep 2022 6:41PM
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The beach is back, almost.. after months of winter tides and storm surge I could wait no more. I brought some new (used) sails off this wonderful site for a steal (thank you seabreeze), a Niel Pride 4.8 The Fly HD in amazing condition for just $100 and a Severne 5.3 Blade HD for the same. They make my old sails look like ****. The Fly is a beast, heaps of power with a super light feel and the ability to turn that power on and off at will. The video is poor due to the stoney beach atm.. video link below

Heres some earler wheel/heal cam footage from march


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"First sail since May" started by TheOGAMA