Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

How to see older posts on the forum?

Created by gofaster > 9 months ago, 17 May 2023
105 posts
17 May 2023 4:33PM
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I can only see 1 page in general and construction but I know there are more - can someone explain how do I get to them please.

105 posts
21 May 2023 7:27AM
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Well it turns out if I type seabreeze land yacht forum general page 2 into google it gets there, along with all the old posts from years back.
All is not lost after all.....

105 posts
14 Oct 2023 6:17AM
Thumbs Up

..............But this doesn't seem to be the case for the sail making section. I can't seem to get to the old posts - so gone forever?


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"How to see older posts on the forum?" started by gofaster