Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Just Another Day of Foiling Around On Maui for the GoFoil Crew with Alex Aguera

Created by Gofoil Australia > 9 months ago, 12 Feb 2019
Gofoil Australia
NSW, 75 posts
12 Feb 2019 8:26PM
Thumbs Up

A very unusual storm in the Hawaiian Islands today with a low pressure very close to all the Islands which doesn't happen very often. High wind and rain all day! Dave Kalama with Austin Kalama on a ski and Greg Aguera and I went out for a boat ride to capture a couple epic rides in between crazy wind and rain squalls.
My pictures are a little fuzzy as it was cloudy, raining, and really bumpy in the boat today....
Maui Hitech #kalamaperformance #zodiac16yachtsman
Go Foil #gofoil new thinner faster Nalu model with the 29.5" stiff Tuttle mast and a Tuttle to tuttle extension and a plate adapter all stacked together...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Just Another Day of Foiling Around On Maui for the GoFoil Crew with Alex Aguera" started by Gofoil Australia