Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Sunova Style 10'6 XL - Darwin

Created by MangoDingo > 9 months ago, 20 Jul 2018
NT, 891 posts
20 Jul 2018 10:13PM
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How's it going folks?
Just thought I'd jump in with my two bobs worth. After a fair amount of thought and one or two beverages I made the purchase on a 10'6 Sunova Style XL and have to say I've been grinning like a Cheshire cat for about the past month!
Man - these things are incredible.
For a bit of context, I now reside in the warmer climes of Darwin up here in the Top End after (mis)spending my youth in southern Vic.
Grew up surfing both east and west coasts (Vic) and up the east coast.
Ended up in Darwin (still not sure how that happened!) but anyway here I am and as anyone who's spent 5 minutes up here knows - there's not many waves but heaps of things that don't mind havin' a crack - whether it's a chew or a sting.
Not to be deterred, (christ knows I needed to get in the water) I have lashed out and picked up the 10'6 Style and am completely stoked.
First day I took it out for a spin, it was lucky to be double over-knee (apologies Nozza) BUT it was super clean, light offshore blowing and no-one out (probably for good reason). Perfect.
Anyway, the Style had me in to waves super easy and even in incredibly small stuff but with long, clean faces she was goin like a champion!
Fast, easy to trim and carve and she's also a classic for cruising the coast and has me in to anything that even resembles a bump in the Timor Sea that has refracted its way in to Darwin - and not Indo.
I haven't frothed this hard in a very long time.
Anyway - cheers all from Darwin. May you be blessed with offshore winds and stacked lines and we'll see you in the soup eh!

WA, 7322 posts
21 Jul 2018 6:42AM
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Awesome review, just need a few pics of you going for a PB pursued by the local fauna. Would encourage you not to fall in I would guess.

NT, 891 posts
21 Jul 2018 9:26AM
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Ha! Indeed Hilly - cheers man.
Mate I reckon I'd give Ian Thorpe a run for his money if I had one of those buggers linin' me up! I'd be like a one-man awesome foursome, like Kai Lenny with eight arms.
The Style is an absolute ripper though eh. I found a little bank last week to myself - lefts and rights - I almost couldn't go wrong. Jeez it's a good stick.
It's funny, one of the best shortboards I ever owned was an old 6'6 Santosha. It had four channels through the guts and a rounded square tail and went like the clappers.
I sort of had a feeling if Bert Berger's gettin' into SUP's - I reckon they'll be the goods.
We've got Easterlies up here this morning, and high tide around 1ish - so I'll be down there again shortly - you'll probably see the sun shining off my toothy grin from over your neck of the woods Hilly!


VIC, 2130 posts
22 Jul 2018 8:45AM
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Great to read the stoke!

How clear is the water? Can you see the wildlife coming?

As JB would say, "Ride safe"!

WA, 60 posts
22 Jul 2018 8:13AM
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Cahunas cobber, cahunas!

NT, 891 posts
22 Jul 2018 3:02PM
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cantSUPenough said..
Great to read the stoke!

How clear is the water? Can you see the wildlife coming?

As JB would say, "Ride safe"!

Cheers CSE!
Yeah mate - absolutely loving the new stick.
Water's still pretty clear at the moment - saw heaps of stingrays this morning eh and something that looked like a small manta ray (I dunno though). She'll start goin' soupy over the next few months and that's when the boxies'll start coming back.
Time to crack out the lycra boys!
Had another cracking session this morning - clean and two foot - found a nice right which gets waves on the incoming.
Geez - I dunno how I'm gunna go at work tomorrow - it's gonna be offshore again and good tides!!!

NT, 891 posts
22 Jul 2018 3:04PM
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Eski said..
Cahunas cobber, cahunas!

Ha! Good on you Eski - mate - gotta keep the gills wet brus!

WA, 7322 posts
22 Jul 2018 4:05PM
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MangoDingo said..

cantSUPenough said..
Great to read the stoke!

How clear is the water? Can you see the wildlife coming?

As JB would say, "Ride safe"!

Cheers CSE!
Yeah mate - absolutely loving the new stick.
Water's still pretty clear at the moment - saw heaps of stingrays this morning eh and something that looked like a small manta ray (I dunno though). She'll start goin' soupy over the next few months and that's when the boxies'll start coming back.
Time to crack out the lycra boys!
Had another cracking session this morning - clean and two foot - found a nice right which gets waves on the incoming.
Geez - I dunno how I'm gunna go at work tomorrow - it's gonna be offshore again and good tides!!!

Living large. Love it

2612 posts
22 Jul 2018 9:43PM
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Great thread Mango Dingo..... like Hilly said, stoke is what counts

I surfed a 9'6 XL in Thailand and was surrounded by clear jelly's with 5' tentacles, so I appreciated the extra width and float.
Really nice board.... enjoy yours!

NT, 891 posts
23 Jul 2018 9:58PM
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supthecreek said..
Great thread Mango Dingo..... like Hilly said, stoke is what counts

I surfed a 9'6 XL in Thailand and was surrounded by clear jelly's with 5' tentacles, so I appreciated the extra width and float.
Really nice board.... enjoy yours!

Cheers STC - I'm definitely rapt with the Style eh. I fear it's opened up a Pandora's Box now mate and I can see a lot of my hard earned is gonna be sunk in to Sunova's coffers while I chase the dragon - so to speak.

Now - how to explain to the missus the importance of a quiver...

2612 posts
23 Jul 2018 9:32PM
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just point to her shoe collection

NT, 891 posts
24 Jul 2018 8:25AM
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supthecreek said..
just point to her shoe collection

Ha! Indeed mate - she's got more shoes than Imelda Marcos so I reckon that'll work!
Here's a couple of happy snaps of the new edition and the proud father

How's the concave

more concave

Lovely rails

Proud father

QLD, 95 posts
24 Jul 2018 8:57PM
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MangoDingo said..

cantSUPenough said..
Great to read the stoke!

How clear is the water? Can you see the wildlife coming?

As JB would say, "Ride safe"!

Cheers CSE!
Yeah mate - absolutely loving the new stick.
Water's still pretty clear at the moment - saw heaps of stingrays this morning eh and something that looked like a small manta ray (I dunno though). She'll start goin' soupy over the next few months and that's when the boxies'll start coming back.
Time to crack out the lycra boys!
Had another cracking session this morning - clean and two foot - found a nice right which gets waves on the incoming.
Geez - I dunno how I'm gunna go at work tomorrow - it's gonna be offshore again and good tides!!!

Something to look forward to in the "Wet". Dripstone Cliffs a few years ago on one of the better days. Typical water colour for the season. Enjoy.

NT, 891 posts
24 Jul 2018 9:55PM
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LogeiaLad said..

MangoDingo said..

cantSUPenough said..
Great to read the stoke!

How clear is the water? Can you see the wildlife coming?

As JB would say, "Ride safe"!

Cheers CSE!
Yeah mate - absolutely loving the new stick.
Water's still pretty clear at the moment - saw heaps of stingrays this morning eh and something that looked like a small manta ray (I dunno though). She'll start goin' soupy over the next few months and that's when the boxies'll start coming back.
Time to crack out the lycra boys!
Had another cracking session this morning - clean and two foot - found a nice right which gets waves on the incoming.
Geez - I dunno how I'm gunna go at work tomorrow - it's gonna be offshore again and good tides!!!

Something to look forward to in the "Wet". Dripstone Cliffs a few years ago on one of the better days. Typical water colour for the season. Enjoy.

Ha! No way! Classic pics - thanks heaps LogieaLad!!!
I reckon that's the same bank I've been scoring over the past few weeks eh - out the front of Dripstone Cliffs - lefts and rights!
On the outgoing I've noticed there's actually a small reef there that catches a bit of swell, even when its small.
Looks like there's a bit of anti-stinger neoprene goin on in these photos too eh?
I reckon the 10'6 Style will be very well suited to these little numbers.
Geez, I'm absolutely rapt - cheers for keeping the stoke alive LogieaLad - I'll be goin to bed with a sloppy grin tonight!!!
Come on Huey - send some swell up north old mate!!!

NSW, 37 posts
25 Jul 2018 9:16PM
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Gday mate.
Glad to hear your having a ball. Was making an enquiry on a 10 Steeze today and they recommended the 10'6 style. Due to the extra volume.
How experienced are you and what weight ? You finding it turns quite well ?

cheers man

NT, 891 posts
25 Jul 2018 9:41PM
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How's it going Wally
Man- I've only had the Style for a few weeks now so I'm still getting to know what works and what doesn't and where the sweet spots are.
I've only surfed it on small one - two foot waves - clean and peeling, but still small.
Having said that, I definitely feel like I'm quickly getting it dialled.
I'm finding it trims on the face really easy. It goes fast and for a 10'6 board it feels pretty nimble and responsive.
You do need to plant the back foot on the tail to get her turning BUT the pulled in pin tail makes this effortless rather than something you need to think too much about.
And this is the magic of the Style I'm finding - it sort of commands the rider to surf it intuitively.
For example, I've caught waves and been almost caught up behind the pocket, and you know you need to get up the nose so you walk yourself up the nose - and the board happily responds and shifts gear. It's a classic log-style board. But don't be fooled - it's not a pig - it's definitely a performance longboard.
The foot pad on the tail is in exactly the right place. When you need to plant your back foot -it just sits right on the button - and again the board responds intuitively.
Not sure where you are man but I reckon if you have access to good, clean sizey waves - the Style would be an absolute classic.
Somewhere like the Pass would be sick.
I'm 43 yrs old, 107 kegs and 6'2. I find the the 10'6 XL floats me really well (158.5 litres). It's stable, and paddles like a champion. I've taken it for a few spins up the coast on flat days and it gets me around with incredible ease.
I love the rails. It's almost like the bulk of the volume is through the guts (which has a sweet concave) and the rails are more rolled - this definitely helps with the board's overall responsiveness.

It's a keeper for sure. I reckon I could spend the rest of my days with this board only and I would constantly be learning new aspects about it.
(Having said that I would love to get an 8'7 Shroom)

Most importantly Wally - it is incredibly easy to catch waves on. I've surfed most of my life and still skate so I just wanna get stoked over and over and the Style delivers in spades. I'm not John John Florence and I can't be f*#@ed hassling for waves but I do love to carve and go fast and if I can push myself each surf I'm happy.

The Style has me grinning like a Panda in a bamboo plantation after each session and mate - that's what we all want after each surf eh!

Good luck with your purchase man - and let us know how you go!

NSW, 37 posts
8 Aug 2018 9:11PM
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Gday mate just thought I'd give you an update. Also just wondering what centre fin you are running. Seems quite slow to turn around with the big 8 inch standard fin.

Just an update on the 10'6 StyleXL
Taken it out twice now in the surf.
First surf blown out sloppy knee high garbage. Board was quite hard to stay upright on as there was some cross swells coming through. Got A few waves and I could definitely tell this board was chalk and cheese compared to my 11'2 ECS board. Once you pick a line it has incredible speed and I could tell it was agile enough to turn on a dime.

Day 2: clean glassy 2-3 ft. Spent a lot more time standing upright today and had an absolute ball. Was probly a 3 hr session. Wow what a board.

Picks up waves very easily and had me doing sharp bottom turns and some nice carves at the top of the wave. Since I don't have my hexatraction yet I can't comment on the nose riding ability. Also Very stable paddling out through waves as well as the big round nose just seems to get above the foam and lift you over the wave. To say I'm stoaked is an understatement. Can't wait to get back out tomorrow morning.

NT, 891 posts
8 Aug 2018 10:06PM
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How's its goin' Wallie - filth man - rapt to hear an update on yr new Style!
yeah man - I'm still running the Sunova stock fins and will be gettin a shorter, less raked centre fin too - just to lose some of that resistance that big fin creates and give it a bit of a sharper pivot. Not that I'm Midget Farrelly or anythin' but it's definitely noticeable eh.
Great to hear you scored some nice waves too man - I reckon clean, down the line waves are where the Style definitely comes into its own - (more please Huey!!!)
Ive also noticed that I seem to have time to set the board up - probably due to its length but I feel like nothin's rushed on the Style and it seems to respond well to feet-work. It rides better the more you adjust. Particularly rail to rail - the board is really responsive moving from one side of where I would normally imagine the stringer to the other.
Rapt to hear you've got the Style grin goin brus - and yr gettin waves tomorrow again - ya lucky bugger!!!
Make sure ya shred a couple for us poor mugs who are gonna be stuck doin the work tango. I'll be checkin on the Breeze for updates!
Good on ya man - cheers for keepin up the stoke!!!

NSW, 37 posts
8 Oct 2018 1:19AM
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MangoDingo said..
How's its goin' Wallie - filth man - rapt to hear an update on yr new Style!
yeah man - I'm still running the Sunova stock fins and will be gettin a shorter, less raked centre fin too - just to lose some of that resistance that big fin creates and give it a bit of a sharper pivot. Not that I'm Midget Farrelly or anythin' but it's definitely noticeable eh.
Great to hear you scored some nice waves too man - I reckon clean, down the line waves are where the Style definitely comes into its own - (more please Huey!!!)
Ive also noticed that I seem to have time to set the board up - probably due to its length but I feel like nothin's rushed on the Style and it seems to respond well to feet-work. It rides better the more you adjust. Particularly rail to rail - the board is really responsive moving from one side of where I would normally imagine the stringer to the other.
Rapt to hear you've got the Style grin goin brus - and yr gettin waves tomorrow again - ya lucky bugger!!!
Make sure ya shred a couple for us poor mugs who are gonna be stuck doin the work tango. I'll be checkin on the Breeze for updates!
Good on ya man - cheers for keepin up the stoke!!!

Gday MangoDingo.
Hope you are still frothin over your style. Just wanted to check in and see if you ever replaced your centre fin. I still haven't gotten around to doing it but keen to get it sorted.

Im still frothin with my board. Got me first half head dip barrel today before getting lipped.

Looking at adding another sunova to the quiver maybe early next year for those more sucky waves. Maybe the creek we'll see.


NT, 891 posts
8 Oct 2018 4:17PM
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wallie2444 said..

MangoDingo said..
How's its goin' Wallie - filth man - rapt to hear an update on yr new Style!
yeah man - I'm still running the Sunova stock fins and will be gettin a shorter, less raked centre fin too - just to lose some of that resistance that big fin creates and give it a bit of a sharper pivot. Not that I'm Midget Farrelly or anythin' but it's definitely noticeable eh.
Great to hear you scored some nice waves too man - I reckon clean, down the line waves are where the Style definitely comes into its own - (more please Huey!!!)
Ive also noticed that I seem to have time to set the board up - probably due to its length but I feel like nothin's rushed on the Style and it seems to respond well to feet-work. It rides better the more you adjust. Particularly rail to rail - the board is really responsive moving from one side of where I would normally imagine the stringer to the other.
Rapt to hear you've got the Style grin goin brus - and yr gettin waves tomorrow again - ya lucky bugger!!!
Make sure ya shred a couple for us poor mugs who are gonna be stuck doin the work tango. I'll be checkin on the Breeze for updates!
Good on ya man - cheers for keepin up the stoke!!!

Gday MangoDingo.
Hope you are still frothin over your style. Just wanted to check in and see if you ever replaced your centre fin. I still haven't gotten around to doing it but keen to get it sorted.

Im still frothin with my board. Got me first half head dip barrel today before getting lipped.

Looking at adding another sunova to the quiver maybe early next year for those more sucky waves. Maybe the creek we'll see.


How's it going Wallie!
Mate - how good's that - keep it up man and you'll be gettin' coned off ya noggin' before you know it!
How good are these boards - I just love it - I've actually scored some really good sessions over the past few weeks and really been getting creative with my footwork. I've mostly been going right, which is sweet (I'm natural) and really enjoying setting the rail and going for it. No big hacks or drawn out bottom turns (it hasn't been big enough for any of that) just sweet runners and lots of speed andf plenty of experimenting up and down the log. I always come in stoked.
I've still got the stock centre fin mate -but have been in touch with Marcus and the crew at Surf FX and will be getting one of these very soon, probably the 7.0 ... Will let you know how it goes mate.
Stay rad Wal'!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Sunova Style 10'6 XL - Darwin" started by MangoDingo