Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Get together for Chuckles.

Created by ka43 8 months ago, 27 Oct 2023
NSW, 3068 posts
27 Oct 2023 6:16PM
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Gidday all,
Sadly local Narrabeen windsurfer Graham "Chuckles" Roche passed away recently. There is a get together to scatter his ashes, have a drink etc on at the Tin Shed (Bilarong Reserve) Narrabeen Lagoon on Sunday 26th November. Everyone is welcome. Please pass along the invitation to anyone who knew Chuckles.

NSW, 6 posts
28 Oct 2023 9:02AM
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Thanks for your post Grant. Very sad news about Chuckles. He was a Northern Beaches icon in his own way.

NSW, 154 posts
28 Oct 2023 12:48PM
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Thanks Larko, very unexpected sad new indeed.

NSW, 457 posts
1 Nov 2023 10:14AM
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Very sad news.Vale.

NSW, 76 posts
2 Nov 2023 3:16PM
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Have marked on the calendar. Time was in the late afternoon wasn't it?

NSW, 3068 posts
10 Nov 2023 9:01PM
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Yeah James, will let you know closer to the day. Re weather

NSW, 3068 posts
22 Nov 2023 6:45PM
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Guys, its on this coming Sunday at 6pm. Bring a beer or two. There will be nibbles provided by his sister. Ashes to be scattered.

NSW, 3068 posts
26 Nov 2023 8:45PM
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Chuckles farewell at Lake Dangerous was really nice this arvo. Few pics.

NSW, 19 posts
28 Nov 2023 7:21PM
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Good work Larko and Co!!

1 posts
3 Dec 2023 5:59AM
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Hi Grant,
I have been ringing Graham's phone since coming from overseas. Tried everything and in a state of shock and very devastated, seeing the emails.

Can you please tell me what happened, last I spoke to him in was in good spirits. I his sister Lorraine can contact me.
My email is

NSW, 304 posts
3 Dec 2023 1:28PM
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RIP Graham
Had many chats with Chuckles over the years at Kyeemagh and Kanaha waiting for the wind.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Get together for Chuckles." started by ka43