Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Board to Albany quickly....

Created by Mark _australia 5 months ago, 10 Feb 2024
Mark _australia
WA, 22276 posts
10 Feb 2024 5:57PM
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I have a board to give Andrew Daff in Vic, after the loss of all his gear as per the GPS forum.

Anyone who can get a board to Albany in the coming few days?

WA, 839 posts
10 Feb 2024 10:10PM
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Mark _australia said..
I have a board to give Andrew Daff in Vic, after the loss of all his gear as per the GPS forum.

Anyone who can get a board to Albany in the coming few days?

Hey Mark,

I'm heading back to Albany tomorrow Sun 11th Feb. I'll be leaving from South Beach around midday then planning to collect a fin from 2nd Wind before heading off.

I'll check here again in the morning.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Board to Albany quickly...." started by Mark _australia