Canberra (Captains Flat) Rain Radar - 128km

Rain Radar Rain Radar Rain Radar Rain Radar Rain Radar Rain Radar

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About Canberra (Captains Flat) Radar

The Captain's Flat radar has a very good view in all directions and is the primary weather radar for the A.C.T., the Southern Tablelands and the New South Wales south coast, with coverage extending across the Monaro region through to the Victorian border. The radar dish is situated on a 22.35m cylindrical tower atop Mt Cowangerong, at a height of 1,381.6 metres above sea level. An area of false echoes is sometimes evident about 20km off the coast between Batemans Bay and Moruya (East to East South East) and extending a further 80km out to sea. This anamolous propagation is easily identified and displays as a mass of low intensity echoes, constantly changing shape but with no apparent direction of movement. True rain echoes normally have a consistent direction of movement from one scan to the next. Wind farms are sometimes visible as stationary echoes between Goulburn and Gunning and around Lake George.