Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The Funny Images Thread

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 26 Feb 2009
NSW, 9202 posts
26 Feb 2009 3:10PM
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It's time.

- Maximum 1/day/person

(thought a change was due. Explanation about this photo below...)

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
26 Feb 2009 2:36PM
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QLD, 368 posts
26 Feb 2009 4:29PM
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SA, 213 posts
26 Feb 2009 5:11PM
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VIC, 5000 posts
26 Feb 2009 6:59PM
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NSW, 9027 posts
26 Feb 2009 8:47PM
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Sailhack said...

^^^Ya reckon?!?^^^ (in a sarcastic tone)

Well, maybe. For these sorts of threads to be funny they really shouldn't be shopped and chopped.

Mark _australia
WA, 22276 posts
26 Feb 2009 6:48PM
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Panda, I dunno that yours is funny.... I'd say the guy was probably one of society's major failures, worst of the worst, and has reformed. That is good he'd be 1 in a million. Naturally, I mean the guy on the left

So I better post a pic not just whinge

(proper use of You're and Your. Obviously not one of the kitetrolls on

NSW, 9027 posts
26 Feb 2009 8:52PM
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Cheese roll

NSW, 2707 posts
26 Feb 2009 10:29PM
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my dad

WA, 7608 posts
26 Feb 2009 10:02PM
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QLD, 5283 posts
27 Feb 2009 12:16AM
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feel comfortable?

VIC, 574 posts
27 Feb 2009 9:58AM
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NSW, 2707 posts
27 Feb 2009 10:00AM
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KFKiter said...

someone care to explain... i dont get it...

SA, 213 posts
27 Feb 2009 9:41AM
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surfingboye said...

KFKiter said...

someone care to explain... i dont get it...

Lets just say French KY

WA, 3145 posts
27 Feb 2009 8:27AM
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evlPanda said...

Mark _australia said...

Panda, I dunno that yours is funny.... I'd say the guy was probably one of society's major failures, worst of the worst, and has reformed. That is good he'd be 1 in a million. Naturally, I mean the guy on the left

(bit like me)

Agreed. But the guy on the right looks like a complete dork in comparison.
What's with that jumper? He's really the funny one.

Looks like a Christmas family reunion. Obviously family members have taken radically different paths.

I find the contrast amusing

I'm with Panda, it's amusing You're first drawn to the guy on the left but then you notice the clown on the right and it's WTF
I don't know who'd scare me more in a dark alleyway

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
27 Feb 2009 8:37AM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22276 posts
27 Feb 2009 8:38AM
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I sorta see your point

The real WTF here is who red thumbed Moby's cheese rolling? Seriously WTF It is a pic of a cheese rolling race and somebody red thumbs it. Terribly offensive that pic!

NSW, 1600 posts
27 Feb 2009 10:58AM
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VIC, 5000 posts
27 Feb 2009 11:21AM
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Animals are soooo cool!

NSW, 5778 posts
27 Feb 2009 12:32PM
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SA, 2865 posts
27 Feb 2009 1:23PM
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Are blonds really dumb?

QLD, 4083 posts
27 Feb 2009 1:20PM
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No, only people who don't notice the photoshopping in that picture.

As for the first post, who else thinks Mr. 13's right nostril is slightly misshapen?

NSW, 78 posts
27 Feb 2009 2:27PM
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surfingboye said...

KFKiter said...

someone care to explain... i dont get it...

"Where's the missing bollard?", I think they're trying to say!

NSW, 9202 posts
27 Feb 2009 3:12PM
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Gizmo said...

Are blonds really dumb?

67% of blondes stand in the correct order, unlike the brunes.
(or are they all backwards?)

NSW, 2707 posts
27 Feb 2009 3:23PM
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i still dont get the lubricant one??? explain clearly please

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Feb 2009 4:30PM
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surfingboye said...

i still dont get the lubricant one??? explain clearly please

Ummmm, without going into too much detail...I'm guessing it's a shipping analogy - looks like that port would be an easy one to park your tanker - or dinghy!

QLD, 368 posts
27 Feb 2009 4:29PM
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SA, 213 posts
27 Feb 2009 5:03PM
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surfingboye said...

i still dont get the lubricant one??? explain clearly please

Please note the bollards and the distance between them.

SA, 213 posts
27 Feb 2009 5:05PM
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NSW, 102 posts
27 Feb 2009 5:45PM
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TAS, 107 posts
27 Feb 2009 5:48PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Funny Images Thread" started by evlPanda