Biodegradable fishing line kicks goals in Australia

Bioline, a new biodegradable fishing line, has been available in Australia now for 10 months, and reports from users have been all positive.  For the first time recreational fishers in Australia can choose a fishing line that can reduce their environmental footprint without compromising on quality or performance. 

Unlike traditional nylon, braid or fluorocarbon lines, if Bioline is lost at sea it will biodegrade within five years, compared to 600 years for nylon and many, many more years for braid and flurocarbon. But spooled onto a reel, it acts just like normal fishing line, with its UV resistance meaning no loss of breaking strain on the reel during the normal nylon working life of 12 months.  Best of all, Bioline retails at a price competitive with traditional nylon monofilaments and is cheaper than braid and flurocarbon lines.

The innovation behind Bioline is derived from medical science. It was developed by medical researchers in the USA who normally manufacture dissolvable suture materials, but are also keen fishers. They saw a need for a biodegradable fishing line and the result - Bioline - took seven years of R&D.  It works because the highly UV resistant polymer only breaks down after extended periods due to microbial action in sediment, soil, compost and water. Once spooled on a reel, the line will retain 100 per cent of its tensile strength for 10 to 12 months, with no special handling required.
The new polymer provides superb knot strength and exceptional abrasion resistance and has a unique controlled stretch characteristic which makes it perfect shock absorber when used as leader material with non-stretch braided lines.  

Bioline has been independently tested by the Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA), with the association's Shane Jasprizza reporting its test results were "surprisingly consistent, much more so than your average run of the mill monofilament".  ANSA says that although it supports nylon monofilament recycling programs, the 99 per cent reduction in life span that Bioline provides over traditional monofilaments offers a better outcome for the aquatic environment. 

Dr Ben Diggles from Fishing World and Sportfishing magazines tested the biodegradability claims of Bioline under Australian conditions and can attest to its environmental credentials. "When you consider that every meter of fishing line lost in the past 50 to 60 years is still out there and will be for at least another 600 years or more, it really makes sense to look at ways to minimise our environmental footprint, and this product can help responsible fishers do just that."

Bioline's environmental potential has also been recognised by the Australian Fishing Trades Association (AFTA), who awarded bioline the 2009 Best Environmentally Friendly Product award.   Bioline comes packaged in 30 or 210 yard spools,.  The fact the packaging contains a high percentage of recycled materials and the spools are also biodegradable demonstrates Bioline's uncompromising commitment to development of quality, sustainable fishing tackle.  Bioline is available in Australia online at and and should also be in specialist tackle stores soon.