Recent research in regarding Mallacoota Inlet fishing

A study funded by Victoria's recreational fishing licence fees has revealed that dusky flathead and bream (both black and yellowfin) are the key species sort in the Mallacoota Inlet. Interestingly there have been recent changes in their relative importance though.

The report notes that over recent years bream have contributed less to anglers' catches while flathead have increased in importance, particularly since the late 1990s.

The study found dusky flathead dominated catches by boat-based anglers between December 2006 and October 2008, accounting for 3/4 of the summer catch and almost half at other times of the year while bream constituted 1/4 of the overall catch.

Other findings included:

  • during winter, a large proportion of both boat and land-based anglers targeted and caught Australian salmon;
  • during summer, most fishers were from Melbourne with smaller numbers from Gippsland and NSW;
  • local anglers preferred fishing in winter when fewer visitors were present; and
  • most fishos were aged between 18 and 49, with 50-69 year old fishers preferring winter and spring.

For the full report and its findings click here - Evaluation of changes to dusky flathead catch limits in Mallacoota Inlet.

Posted 22 June 2010