Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

kiting around Forster/Old Bar

Created by davidwenck > 9 months ago, 19 Dec 2014
QLD, 20 posts
19 Dec 2014 8:10AM
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Hi everyone. Is there any good kiting around Forster, Old Bar, Diamond Beach in mid coast NSW? Keen to hit the waves but also take my son out on any flat water spots. Googled it but can't find much information other than some kite school called Muddies that seems to no longer exist!?

NSW, 194 posts
19 Dec 2014 2:55PM
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davidwenck said..
Hi everyone. Is there any good kiting around Forster, Old Bar, Diamond Beach in mid coast NSW? Keen to hit the waves but also take my son out on any flat water spots. Googled it but can't find much information other than some kite school called Muddies that seems to no longer exist!?

For Old Bar

Flat Water - Down the end of Mudbishcops Point Road past the camping ground theres a little gap in the trees with a set of stairs down to a little launch area.... great flat water spot in High tide and works in basically every direction.. (but it kinda sucks at low tide as the place is a mud pit)..

Waves - Its good anywehere along the beach from the Bar entrance to Wallaby Point - you'll probably get harrassed by the local surfers at Wallby point thou.. Theres lots of rocks in the water so watch out and maybe have a swim before hand..

WA, 9 posts
20 Dec 2014 9:33PM
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Great Lakes sailing club is a possibility at Forster but muddies is the best for beginners. You can score some good waves around diamond beach/ Blackhead too


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"kiting around Forster/Old Bar" started by davidwenck